Not only has our extended utilization of fossil gasoline fueled the catastrophic climate habits which have caused the maximum desalination stage in the sides oceans but the economic plans of not merely the Trump Government but previous administrations have drastically increased the number of Americans from actually achieving the American Dream. As the media maintains focusing how well the economy is doing, but underneath this facade of is well and good lies a rising avalanche of an financial devastation that would make the economic situation of 2008 appear to be a picnic.
Media that isn't reported, I bet for clear reasons, is a much cry from what is actually described by the key supply media. In fact there are many details that emphatically state quite the contrary to what the media keeps revealing about the state of the US economy. When there are over 137 million Americans up against intense economic hardship because of medical bills with more Americans on a monthly basis declaring bankruptcy as a result of lack of medical protection and the high charge of medical care is a positive sign that country wants Medicare For All.
That is just the begin of the economic split inside our fragile economy. A break that's just finding greater and fairly shortly our full economy should come crashing down on an unsuspecting public. All because the press is both oblivious to the important points or are purposely steering the public far from the real state of our economy. With the retail market continuous it's decline is more visible each week when there where over 6,000 stores that closed in the initial 50% of in 2010 alone. More closures continue steadily to highlight the disturbing signals that is not effectively and good in the American economy.
Nowadays, 50% of our populace can't meet their standard wants like food, shelter, clean fresh water and almost everything needed for daily living. The disposable incomes for over 80% of the people is completely inadequate to meet up today's cost of living. The media maintains reminding us that we have a really low unemployment number but what they don't record is that the United States has over 100 million Americans that don't have jobs at all.
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