Playing the role of a father or the one of a mother ... is an important step into the evolution of the relationshipby the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Into an obsessive mode .... I analyse more and more the love relationship between a man and a woman ... and what intrigues me most ... is this nonsense of illusory believing that a beautiful love story .... can last forever.

And more i analyse ... more i understand that we don't really know anything about the connection between souls.

So ... the question is ... why the hell ... all is ruined after a while?!

Why the beauty of a great love story don't last forever ... or at least ... a life time?!

Well ... maybe we don't really understand the complexity of all ... and the fact that into a love story ... we need to play more roles.

Cause ... you see ... loving ... is not enough.

.... even if we do it into a great way.

It looks like a paradox.


... and even a nonsense.

But ... more i meditate ... more i understood love stories ... are not only about love.

Recently ... i had the chance to analyse a couple ... and more I've connected to her soul ... more i've understood that even if he was making her happy ... she was not completely satisfied of him.

So ... i've dared to ask ... "What the hell you're doing?!

You'll ruin all .... cause it's so obviously that you are not happy for real."

Annoyed ... she just answered ... "You ... all the men from the whole world ... are just idiots.

You don't understand a thing ... about women and the relationship we could have together.

The first man into the life of any feminine soul .... is her father.

Later on ... this father is replaced by a man ... but this man doesn't understand the fact that he needs indeed to play the role of the lover ... but also the protective role of a ... father.

You see ... a father is a man that ... no matter what ... is always there for his daughter.

He loves her.

... adores her also.

But ... into the same time ... protects her and takes care of all her needs ... sometimes not saying a word.

... just doing his role.

Later on in life we meet ... the first man and we start a relationship.

Then ... another one.


And another one.

We are even judged for having so many men ... but nobody understands us that we want a lover that also knows to play the protective role of a father.

So ... all i can say ... is that all of you ... are just idiots."

I've heard this theory that men are jerks, idiots etc ... one million times ... so i only smiled in front of my ladies ... continuing drinking my coffee.

And replied ... "Can you please tell me one thing ... do you really play the role of the mother for this guy ... you are with?!

Or you believe only the men ... need to play roles?!"

Somehow ... she was shocked of my question ... not realising the complexity ... of all.

You only saw ... what she needed to have ... but not what she needed to do, into a relationship.

In fact ... like all of us.

We believe that we open the dictionary ... read about what the definition of a relationship is ... and that's it.

But ... you see ... we are not aware of the complexity of the human being.

... of the whole spectrum of needs the human being has.

The need of a lover, of making love, of having someone to take care of us, of having someone we could speak all is in our souls, of psychological games trusting that person if something happens to us ... etc etc.

In fact .... we need a person that can play the role of anyone we need into this life.

A person ... having the ability of understanding the


complexity of all.

On the other hand ... all needs to be reciprocal ... but you see ... we don't really know to communicate all our needs into the proper way.

We believe that everyone knows that in a relationship we keep looking for what parents used to offer us.

We believe ... the partner ... knows all.

But ... it's not like that.

No ....

Cause ... you see ... we just have in mind what we want ... practicing the egoism in its absolute form.





Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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