Games ... and stupid games ... A way of experiencing ... but also wasting our existence the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Understanding life it's a must.

Experiencing it ... also.

But .... wasting it ... is just stupid.


Today ... I understand and accept the meaning of games ... of any kind.

I understand it's all related with our unconscious mind ... but i am aware of the fact that we should realise that all it's repeated into our lives ... so that we can see important messages.

Unfortunately .... we are blinds.

We can't see almost ... anything.

And we continue playing like some stupid kids.

The games become ... stupid games.

We do it on and on... and on.

Well .... until one day when we meet a person doing the same stupid things we've done so, so many times before into our past.



And ... damn it ... we dislike it.

We dislike it ... a lot.

Not knowing what to do ... keep playing around ... satisfied cause we can continue playing games, but also disappointed we see the partner doing the same thing ... life itself becomes ... weird.

We can't understand ... a thing.

... even if all is so, so obvious.


You see .... in life ... even after growing up, becoming adults ... we can't stop ourselves playing games.

Unfortunately the innocent games from childhood becomes later on ... stupid games ... or even a dirty representation of lots of weird things which love stories actually defining us.

The fact ... that one day .... someone comes and says ... "Stop it!" ... or does exactly what we do ... having the meaning ... "Stop it cause i'll do the same thing!" ... is for me sort of an abstract message ... saying in fact ... "You've experienced life enough! Now it's time to stop wasting it ... so start enjoying the present moment into a beautiful way."

But ... we can't understand that.

It's too abstract... or we pretend we're stupids.


And unfortunately... playing stupid on the stage of life ... all becomes weird ... seeing how all around .... is ruined.




Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD

in love ... but still playing psychological games -

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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